Strategic Gaming Overview: Practical Game Theory for Business
Strategic Gaming Overview: Practical Game Theory for Business
This course provides hands-on immersion in Strategic Gaming and helps participants understand where and why a game-theoretic approach can provide valuable insights for successful stakeholder management. Participants learn to diagnose situations that could benefit from Strategic Gaming and get an introduction to how game framing and analytical techniques help to better understand potential action-reaction dynamics. Attendees are introduced to key dynamics and dilemmas of interdependent situations, as well as how those can be resolved by influencing others effectively, strategically and tactically. Participants apply game framing and evaluation techniques to an interesting and relevant case example. The course will be led by Dr. Paul Papayoanou, Senior Advisor at Decision Frameworks. He is the author of the book, Game Theory for Business: A Primer in Strategic Gaming, which is provided as a companion text for the course.
Course Dates & Times:
January 22 - 23, 2025
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CDT